
Super CTF Land


Super CTF Land


This challenge is from the internal BYU End-of-Semester CTF (Fall 2022).

Welcome to Super CTF Land, the first custom BYU CTF retro game! It looks like someone may have hacked the ROM and left behind a secret. Give it a play and see if you can find that secret!


This challenge provides you with a file named A quick web search or prior knowledge of video game emulation reveals that this is the file extension for a GameBoy game. To run it, download any GameBoy emulator software- I used SameBoy. Then, using your emulator software, load the file and run it.

Once you are presented with the game’s title screen, hit the ENTER key or whatever key your emulator’s A or START button is mapped to, and you’ll be put in the game’s first level. At the top of the screen, you’ll see the flag.

FLAG: byuctf{h@xertym}

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.